About Us

We Have The Power Today To Change Tomorrow!

About Us!

The Well Being Foundation is an Non-Profit Organisation that works for the betterment of the less privileged and the socially disadvantaged. Established in 2009, the Well Being Foundation works to provide Education, Healthcare and Livelihood opportunities to the needy. It focuses on the overall development of the People and also works to create awareness among the people about their rights and opportunities. The Well Being Foundation has made great strides in helping the needy and the less privileged. It has provided educational opportunities to the needy and the disadvantaged, which has enabled them to gain access to better employment opportunities. It has also provided healthcare and livelihood opportunities to the needy, helping them to lead a better life. The NGO also organizes awareness campaigns to educate people on their rights and opportunities. The Well Being Foundation believes that no one should be deprived of education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities due to poverty or social discrimination. It strives to create an environment where all people are treated equally and with respect. The NGO works hard to ensure that the needy and the disadvantaged have access to the same resources that the privileged sections of the society have. The Well Being Foundation is committed to working for the betterment of the lives of the needy and the less privileged

Our Vision

Work as a catalyst in bringing sustainable change in the lives of underprivileged children, youth, and women with a life-cycle approach to development. Enable the civil society across the world to engage proactively in the change process through the philosophy of civic-driven change. Adopt the highest standards of governance to emerge as a leading knowledge and technology-driven, innovative, and scalable international development organization.

Our Commitment

Fulfilling organisational goals with full commitment towards our duties and responsibilities Excellence-Setting high-performance standards and being accountable for and responsible towards our work.


Core Values

Respect- Believing in and appreciating the dignity and potential of all human beings. Integrity- Maintaining social, ethical, and organisational norms and adhering to the code of conduct.


Well Being Foundation | We Work For People