Our Project


Our society depends upon basic requirements to fulfil their needs such as Shelter, Clothing and Food. So, as Well Being Foundation also helping those who are in need by feeding the hungry. Well Being Foundation distributing fresh cooked food daily from 5000 to 10,000 people in different centres of Delhi-NCR . We provide regular meals on regular basis. These would be a lunch from Monday to Friday which would compromises a basic meal(Dal roti, Dal Chawal, sabzi roti). Taking all the safety measures such as social distancing, and providing face mask to the people with proper sanitisation due to current pandemic situation its Well Being Foundation’s guidelines to ensure that one must not leave any spot for further medical suffering.


Well Being Foundation have been more concerned about women safety as crimes against women have been rising up for the last few years. Since the cases of gender violence are on rise, self-defence for women has become a necessity more than ever. Rape, kidnapping and murder are the most common crimes against women. People often turn blind eye and deaf ear to such crimes. It is high time we all should come forward and make our girls strong enough by teaching them self-defending skills. Keeping in view the above written facts, Well Being Foundation has taken an initiative towards women empowerment by imparting self-defending skills to them. We have conducted many seminars at several schools in the capital. Outcome of the seminars conducted by Well Being Foundation has been really commendable. In this seminars, we teach girls how to defend themselves and put up an impressive efforts against attackers in bad situations. We are trying to reach more and more schools in this regards. Well Being Foundation, conduct a free 1-day seminar on self-defence for girls.


A desire to become an independent and successful women entrepreneurs have many challenges to face. Social restrictions function at emotional and economic levels, along with financial instructions make situations more difficult for women to take the plunge at the business level. Moreover, they have less knowledge about how to start and run a business operation. For solving these difficulties, they get assistance from the available helping resources and can emerge a successful entrepreneur. We are working with Small Help Group by providing them small businesses like candle making, pickle making, chocolate making, stitching clothes. The group of 20 women prepares decorative candles, chocolate, pickles, and clothes and we sell their work and give them their profits.


This programme is designed to enhance the overall school management. We have a tie up with government and private schools. We conduct health camps free of cost in different schools. We trained teachers for betterment of the school children in extra curricular activities.



WELL BEING is providing aid to jail inmates who cannot bear legal expense. We are working with our team for those prisoners who have completed their Prison time but they do have basic penalty to pay and release themselves. It is the research that have found many prisoners have completed their prison time but due to lack of money and legal awareness they are still in prison. Well Being Foundation is providing their releasing fees and get them free from jail. There are people in our deprived society who don’t know about their legal rights so we conducts community meeting in local chawpals to advocate them their legal rights which helps them in their future and make better lifestyle.


You have heard that health is wealth because only healthy people can fight any battle. Well Being takes sessions in the community, school, parks, and malls to aware about health & hygiene. We have seen in the last few years that children in our community are malnutrition so we are taking steps towards our children and society. Health and hygiene both works together if we want to be healthy we need to take care of sanitation.

Tree Plantation drive

Humans, animals and the environment depend upon trees for survival, Therefore, as Deforestion continues, we must put back what we are taking away. We are organising Plantation Drives in our community on regular basis. 


Sports play a significant role in our life. Playing sports helps us in building and improving confidence levels. If we practice sports on regular basis, we can be more active and healthy. Being involved in sports activities help us in getting protected from numerous diseases such as arthritis, obesity, obesity, heart problems, diabetes, and so on. Considering sports as a part of our life Well Being is preparing less privileged children for different competitions in sports. Currently, we have one Cricket Team and one Girls Football Team.


A bag of bliss is an event that is framed to provide a box of happiness to our less privileged community. In this program our volunteers collect clothes from door to door and make a box of Clothes, food, and a gift. We prepare the boxes with care and sanitation. After a collection of 2 months, we organize an event and distribute it among families.

Covid -19

Well Being Foundation | We Work For People